"Why does my brain keep doing it?”
I’ve just spent an hour coaching a client who wants to start a side hustle.
He had two ideas—both interesting, both time-consuming, both impossible (until possible).
After a few questions, he decided to focus on the one that had been at the back of his mind for longer.
We talked about the end goal and started reverse-engineering the steps he needs to take to get there.
At one point, he noticed, “I can see exactly what I need to do and how to do it. But my mind is contradicting my will at every single stage. It tells me: How can I do this when I’m working all week? How can I expect that to happen when my kids need my attention first? Why does my brain keep doing it?”
The answer to that question is simple: our brains are lazy, and given a choice between doing something hard or doing something easy (like not doing it at all), they will always go for the easy option.
This is good and bad news.
Good news: We invent a lot of stuff as a result of that brain laziness.
Bad news: We talk ourselves out of doing anything hard far too easily.
And so, we need a bag of tricks.
Trick one: Remember that your brain will believe anything. Feed it a good lie.
Whenever you feel behind—in other words, too old for something—tell yourself that you’re a decade younger. All your I-wish-I-had-done-this thinking evaporates. You’ve just given yourself permission to act.
Trick two: Treat your brain like a spoilt child. Notice its behaviour but know better than to react.
Your thoughts are not facts. When they appear, greet them with a smile. Don’t offer them a place to stay, though, and they’ll soon be on their way out. This is how you make room in your head for intention.
Trick three: Forget the big picture. Do whatever you can with whatever you have now.
That thing you decided to do? Accept that the first hundred times, the results will suck. Then work on number one using all the time, skills, and tools you already have. Nothing is standing between you and creating something meaningful.
Your brain will keep you in the comfort zone. Only if you let it.
Whenever you’re ready, I can help you.
You know how you always say it'd be great to work with a coach but how expensive they are? I hear you. All my coaching programmes are more accessible now. This way you can make 2025 your year and move move your money and life goals from your To-Do list to your Done list.
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That feeling of confidence that yes, you can and you will
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It's practically a half-price sale so why not try it? I can already hear the joy in your voice when you reach your goal and send me a WhatsApp message to celebrate. (Monday–Friday WhatsApp text and voice messages are included in all my coaching programmes as a bonus.)