Knowing yourself is more important than the debt repayment method
When you have debt, you hear about the best repayment methods. And you get so bogged down with the best option, one that makes sense on paper, mathematically, that you miss the most important part of the decision-making process: choosing what works best for you.
The Money Scripts That Hold You Back
Money is the root of all evil. It takes money to make money. I’m not good with money. Money is unimportant. It’s not nice to talk about money. There will always be enough money. Any of these sound familiar? All these beliefs are part of your money scripts. Money scripts are rooted in your childhood, usually unconscious and passed down from generation to generation. Whether you like it or not, they shape your financial behaviour and wealth. So today, let’s get some insight into how they work. There are four main money scripts and we’ll go through them one by one, because that’s how we usually go through anything. Let’s go.
How I Set My Goals
Let me share with you how i review and set my goals. Goals can terrify or they can overwhelm so many people avoid them. I take a gentle approach, where less is more. There is no point in productivity for the sake of productivity here. There is plenty of space left for life to happen instead. Let’s begin.
5 Ways to Travel for Cheap or Even Free ...REALLY!
Are you fed up with expensive, similar type of holidays year by year? Let me share with you five ideas to travel in a solo-friendly, much much cheaper, sustainable and unique way. Let’s go!
How to Invest for the ULTIMATE Beginner: The Pentagon Method
Are you an ultimate beginner when it comes to investing? You’d like to start but don’t know how?And the world of finance just seems overwhelming? Don’t worry, you're not alone. I was exactly like you a few years ago so in this video, I’m going to walk you through the Pentagon Method, the 5-step strategy that helped me start and continue investing, and achieve financial independence. Whether you're just starting out, or someone who's been avoiding investing altogether, I’m here to help you make sense of it and feel confident to start your investing journey. Let’s go!
5 Addictions You Must Break to Become Your Best Self
We often talk about habits we need to start to improve our lives but today I’d like to talk about 5 addictions that you must break to become your best self.
7 Mistakes I made Buying a House
I love my house and I’m happy to own it but I did make quite a few mistakes when buying it. So let me share them with you so that hopefully you can be smarter when buying your property.
3 Things I Do That Make Me Wealthy
You most probably have heard of many ways the wealthy act and behave - make money when they sleep, don’t spend on luxuries, dream big but in my opinion, as somebody who’s financially free I find that there are only 3 things that you really need to do to be wealthy.
I've Changed My Mind About Investing in AirBnB Property
It’s been a while since I mentioned anything about my wish to get into property so I thought I’d give you a quick update on what’s happened.
My Top 6 Favourite Books of 2023
This year will mark a decade of my reading challenges on Good Reads. I track what I read mainly for fun and so whenever I don’t complete a challenge, all it means to me is that I read less. No surprises. I’ve just realised that GoodReads is possibly the only app I’d like to see more of my friends use. Ah well, maybe one day they will.
Your life will be shaped by 3 decisions
The first one is about what you want to do. Don’t think about it in terms of passion. It won’t help. People overrate passion because they expect a high amount of positive emotion that will motivate them to do the work. But emotions, positive or negative, fluctuate and get in the way of work.
Emergency Fund and Pom Poms
So many of you ask me this question - do I invest all of my money? And to answer briefly: no, I don't. If you're interested in a more elaborate answer, keep reading.